Battle Flags of the Wars for North America, 1754-1783: Foreign Armies and Regime...

"Hill. 360p. all colour illus. In Battle Flags of the Wars for North America, 1754–1783: Foreign Armies and Regiments, military flag expert Steven W. Hill meticulously displays and explains the flags of regiments from Britain, France, Germany, and Spain that fought in the French and Indian War and the American War of Independence. Hill corrects old errors and assembles a comprehensive record from archives and artifacts, creating a timeless reference for the 250th anniversary and beyond. This book is a must-read for military history enthusiasts."
"Hill. 360p. all colour illus. In Battle Flags of the Wars for North America, 1754–1783: Foreign Armies and Regiments, military flag expert Steven W. Hill meticulously displays and explains the flags of regiments from Britain, France, Germany, and Spain that fought in the French and Indian War and the American War of Independence. Hill corrects old errors and assembles a comprehensive record from archives and artifacts, creating a timeless reference for the 250th anniversary and beyond. This book is a must-read for military history enthusiasts."
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