British Rifled Artillery Ammuniton And Fuzes Volume 1: RBL AND MLR ROYAL LABORAT...

"S. Summerfield & S. Trendall. 226pp., 4to, illus. mostly in colour throughout including 238 scale Royal Laboratory plates & 74 tables. 2024. This book explores the Ammunition and Fuzes of the Rifled Breech Loading (RBL) and Rifled Muzzle Loading (RML). The Royal Laboratory (RL) Plates were the working plans produced to accompany the various editions of the Treatise on Ammunition. While the treatises can be found in various editions and reprints, only a few RL plates have previously been made available even to researchers. Fortunately an almost complete set of plates has been found & preserved allowing this volume to be the most complete reference on the subject. "
"S. Summerfield & S. Trendall. 226pp., 4to, illus. mostly in colour throughout including 238 scale Royal Laboratory plates & 74 tables. 2024. This book explores the Ammunition and Fuzes of the Rifled Breech Loading (RBL) and Rifled Muzzle Loading (RML). The Royal Laboratory (RL) Plates were the working plans produced to accompany the various editions of the Treatise on Ammunition. While the treatises can be found in various editions and reprints, only a few RL plates have previously been made available even to researchers. Fortunately an almost complete set of plates has been found & preserved allowing this volume to be the most complete reference on the subject. "
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